March 9, 2025

COVID Protocols

Like everything else, COVID-19 will influence shopping for a Christmas tree at our farm this year. Happily, there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be transmitted on plants or plant products.*

That said, to help protect the health and safety of our staff and customers Wolgast Tree Farm & Apiary has implemented the following best practices:

We ask that everyone maintain social distancing of 6 feet or more.

Please do not visit our farm if you are ill or have had recent contact with someone testing positive for COVID-19.

As much as we love them, DOGS are NOT PERMITTED to visit the farm this year. Sorry!

Please check the CDC’s website for the latest information on how to protect yourself from getting infected:

*source: Cornell Cooperative Extension/New York State Integrated Pest Management.

Like everything else, COVID-19 will influence shopping for a Christmas tree at our farm this year. Happily, there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be transmitted on plants or plant products.* That said, to help protect the health and safety of our staff and customers Wolgast Tree Farm & Apiary has implemented the following best practices: We ask that everyone maintain social distancing of 6 feet or more. Please do not visit our farm if you are ill or have had recent contact with someone testing positive for COVID-19. As much as we love them, DOGS are NOT PERMITTED to visit the farm this year. Sorry! *source: Cornell Cooperative Extension/New York State Integrated Pest Management.