March 26, 2025

Honey & Beeswax

Wolgast Tree Farm & Apiary has award-winning local honey and beeswax products from our honeybees!

Honey & Beeswax

Our honey and beeswax is produced by our honeybees in our apiary, with the exception of our Blueberry Blossom and Cranberry-Wildflower honeys which are produced by beekeeper friends here in New Jersey.

Our honey frames are uncapped with a cold knife and the honey is lightly strained to keep as much pollen and other natural goodness as possible.

Our honey is sold in 12 oz., 1 lb., and 3 lb. containers. We have a limited amount of both chunk honey (honey comb in liquid honey) and comb honey.  Presently we have spring wildflower (light and floral) and fall wildflower (a bit more robust and fruity), and a buckwheat wildflower honey (dark and molasses-like in color and flavor) – assertively flavored with lots of antioxidants!

We offer pure beeswax candles, a variety of lip balms, lotion bars, 1 0z beeswax pieces, beeswax wraps and an assortment of handcrafted soaps and other items.

Advance orders on ALL ITEMS are welcome!